Thursday, March 11, 2021



1 John 1:9 

King James Version

9 If we confess our sins, 

he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, 

and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

To be able to confess our sins, we have to know what our sins are.

Thing is, do we know what sin is?

Do we know what grieves God?

Do we know what destroys our souls?

Do we know the consequences of sin?

Do we know how to know?

Do we know who can save us?

Do we know what the Bible says?

Change starts with self.

Real change happens when you have embraced Jesus as a born again.

Then you will know how you have grieved God.

All will be made clear to you.

The Bible will tell you.

God will not judge you, but His Word will reveal things to you.

The very things the world hid from you.

You can be certain the Holy Spirit of God will reveal what the Father will instruct Him to.

Only when you're born again will you understand things of the Spirit.

It has been my own personal foundation for knowing the truth of CHRIST.

The Holy Spirit led me to that fact.

How else would I know, what needs to be known?

Prepare for TONS of AWESOME teaching from the Holy Spirit of God.

Once you are sealed by the Holy Spirit, you will delight in His every day teachings.

Never again will you doubt.

Never again will you fear.

Your tears will be tears of joy, and gratitude -- even relief.

We need to know about sin.

We need to face it squarely.

We need to know what Scripture says.

We need to know where we have erred.

We need to know how to protect ourselves from further sin.

We need to know how to wear the armor of God.

How else can we repent, when we don't even know how we've sinned?

Do we even care to know about sin?

Are we afraid to address that issue?

Or are we too proud, too sure of ourselves, that perhaps, we have no need to know about it?

Are we so sure of our place in this world?

Or perhaps, there's a better place for us, with God?

And perhaps, Jesus may come, sooner than soon?

Why else the URGENCY to repent?

When you become born again -- for it is a MUST -- your heart will open to the TRUTH of GOD.

You will be taught by His Holy Spirit.

You will be taught everything about Jesus.

Who He is, how He loved, how He saved, how He will return.

With your new knowledge, expect the tears to flow.

You will be grateful for the instructions.

You will be amazed at the love.

You will want to follow Christ, too.

You will want to believe the only ONE worth believing.

You will want others to know EVERYTHING about Jesus.

You will want everyone to be saved.

Only CHRIST can save us all.

I've already shed lots of tears, the day I became born again.

I got to know where I went wrong.

I got to ask for forgiveness.

Each day, for over 18 months now, is a day to live according Scripture.

Now, if I shed tears, it's because of JESUS.

Of how He touches my heart.

How He teaches me.

How He helps me.

How He loves me.

A love not reserved for me, but for us all.

Come back to Jesus now.

Know His laws.

Become His.

Repentance is truly refreshing.

It gives us another chance at life -- with JESUS.

1 Peter 1:13-16 (KJV)

13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, 

be sober

and hope to the end for the grace 

that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;

14 As obedient children, 

not fashioning yourselves 

according to the former lusts in your ignorance:

15 But as he which hath called you is holy, 

so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;

16 Because it is written, 

Be ye holy; 

for I am holy.

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Updated 25 January 2022


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