Saturday, March 6, 2021

I have no use for token knowledge


1 Corinthians 13:9 

King James Version

9 For we know in part, 

and we prophesy in part.

A token is a small gift.

I want the real GIFT.

ALL of it.

I want God's complete TRUTH.

I want complete knowledge on the Lord.

But many religious people -- both men and women -- had not really led me to God's complete truth when I was a kid.

Shall I blame them?

Or perhaps, they, too, had no idea what God's complete truth was?

Maybe they're still trying to figure it out?

But, aren't they supposed to know?

How dare they teach, if they didn't know first?

Why did they teach me half-truths?

Why didn't they teach me to read the Bible for God's truth?

Why did they stand in the way?

Maybe they were instructed not to tell?

Wasn't their vocation to tell?

Why did the priests take it upon themselves to "educate" us about the Word of God, and yet selected only a few verses?

Why couldn't we go to God directly?

We trusted them, but they did not deliver the complete truth of God:

That the only power is God.

That the only Master is Jesus.

That Jesus defeated death at His resurrection, and thus, defeating the power of the devil.

That repetitive prayers are not pleasing to God.

That the enemy of Christ is unseen, and yet real.

That we must put on the full armor of God when faced by evil.

That we must seek God with all our heart.

That we must be born again.

That Jesus can come any time.

That we must ask forgiveness from Jesus alone.

That Jesus is the only mediator to God.

Because the world has a personal agenda -- which is not of God -- it is up to each one of us to seek God's TRUTH alone.

It is a personal relationship we must build with God, through Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

In the seeking, is the finding.

In the persistence, is the gift waiting.

And at God's appointed time, He will send His Spirit to TEACH you all things Jesus.

And when you are taught, your heart will delight in the TRUE teachings of the LORD.

And that's what will wake you up, even make you angry, and disgusted.

At how you have been kept away from the TRUTH.

At how everything was veiled from you.

Was it by God's design?

Or man's design?

Or both?

Did the truth show up, only when you began seeking?

Did God allow you to be exposed to the lies of the world, testing the merits of your spirit?

Were you tested to see how earnest, and persistent you were?

Probably so.

For God searches the heart:

Jeremiah 17:10 (KJV)

10 I the Lord search the heart, 

I try the reins, 

even to give every man according to his ways, 

and according to the fruit of his doings.

Knowing that, my heart became peaceful.

Only because I became born again.

I begin to understand the ways of the Spirit of God.

His ways were good, true, loving, and delightful.

The token is no more, for the whole was finally made known, by praying to Jesus, for guidance, every time I had a question.

1 Corinthians 13:10 (KJV)

10 But when that which is perfect is come, 

then that which is in part shall be done away.

Now, I know the TRUTH of GOD.

That He is the ONLY Source of power.

That JESUS is His Son.

That Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried.

And that He rose again, through the power of GOD.

And that if we become born again, and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we can meet Him up in the air, after the dead meet Him first, and we shall be behind Him when He comes back to earth to make war on the devil.

These are the truths that I have not known, until this 18-month-period of immersing myself in the Bible, doing quiet study.

By the grace of God, the Holy Spirit guided me every step of the way.

And that such instruction only came, after I prayed to Jesus to please guide me.

Be child-like with the Lord.

Know nothing; desire to know everything.

Oftentimes, the answer came, before the prayer was even finished.

I am an excited child, eager for the Lord's instruction.

That's probably why the speed of answer, matches the speed of eagerness to know, to learn, and to share.

God knows who are His.

I am His, and forever will be.

Now, I know TRUE knowledge from the TRUE giver of knowledge -- the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD.

Now, I am beginning to know more about JESUS.

As all of us should.

If we are to survive the imminent end times.

Updated 25 January 2022


 2 Kings 2:19-21 King James Version 19 And the men of the city said unto Elisha,  Behold, I pray thee,  the situation of this city is pleasa...