Sunday, February 21, 2021



2 Timothy 2:15 

King James Version

15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, 

a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, 

rightly dividing the word of truth.

Before becoming born again, my greatest desire was to know God's truth.

Now that I'm born again, my greatest desire is to deliver God's truth.

JUST as it is in the Bible.

I cannot tell you what God didn't say, or command.

Every article must carry supporting Scripture, for people always want proof.

And that's really okay, for who doesn't?

When a person asks for proof, part of him wants to believe in something real, something factual, something reliable, something he can trust, something he can believe in.

That's how much we all hunger for the truth.

What better proof than the Bible, and the Gospel of Christ?

The Truth of God stands on its own merit.

Who can challenge such truth?

Anyone who truly desires to know everything about God must prepare to be delighted in the truth of Christ.

The Bible contains so many treasures, you will need several lifetimes to digest the power, and beauty, of it all.

Maybe that's why Holy Spirit and I have created 21 blogs already.

I don't know when a new one would come up.

It just does.

The words are quick, and powerful.

The instructions are clear, and immediate -- even urgent.

The ideas are astounding, and plentiful.

Do I ever get tired?

Do I get overwhelmed?

Do I get confused?

No, on all three counts.

When you work for the Holy Spirit, you are more of a listener.

You pray, wait, and listen for instructions.

And you delight in the teachings you are led to.

As a true believer of Jesus, devoted to His Word alone.

You do not act, unless you are "endued with power from on high".

Luke 24:49 

King James Version

49 And, behold, 

I send the promise of my Father upon you: 

but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, 

until ye be endued with power from on high.

That will happen to you, in every aspect of your life, or work, if you have given your heart to the Lord.

You only act, when instructed.

You surrender your will to the Lord.

You only trust His judgment.

And because I am born again, my trust in the Lord is complete.

I only pray, that I do His will alone, and not of my self.

Gone are the days I write what I feel like writing.

Now, I only listen to the Holy Spirit of God.

And write, when He inspires me to.

And use the verses He wants me to.

I know I work hard at getting God's Word right in my heart.

But it is with great delight I do so.

Hardly a chore at all.

In fact, it is an honor to serve the Lord, however way I can.

I take great responsibility I don't mislead you.

I must be true to the Word of God.

Self must be gone.

Only God in my heart remains.

Things of the world are out of my heart's horizon.

That's what love for God is.

Complete trust, focus, and devotion.

You must be devoted to Him alone.

Sharing God's Word with you is actually very exciting.

For I get to share my many discoveries, through the articles I write, and the blogs we create.

If your desire is to be "endued with power from on high", then you must give your heart to the Lord.

Become His worker, His workman, His disciple, His child.

And watch how your life will change.

Your life will have greater meaning, for you now serve the Lord.

That's what makes my writing so purposeful now.

Especially in these critical days.

You do not have the luxury of time to make a decision.

You only have today to decide.

Are you for, or against God?

That has been the main objective of my work as a writer for God.

To alert you to the urgency of the call from Jesus that we wake up, and repent, now.

Matthew 4:17 

King James Version

17 From that time 

Jesus began to preach, 

and to say, 


for the kingdom of heaven 

is at hand.

Make that decision to be God's, and everything will be given you.

The next steps will be made clear to you.

As only the Holy Spirit can lead you to.

Waste no time now.

Come back to God!

Updated 3 October 2023


 2 Kings 2:19-21 King James Version 19 And the men of the city said unto Elisha,  Behold, I pray thee,  the situation of this city is pleasa...