Saturday, February 20, 2021



2 Timothy 3:16-17 

King James Version

16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, 

and is profitable for doctrine, 

for reproof, 

for correction, 

for instruction in righteousness:

17 That the man of God may be perfect, 

thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

Nearly 18 months ago, I started reading the Bible.

What a magnificent journey!

Now, I know for sure the words of JESUS (for He gifted me with the Bible I wanted especially -- a King James Version -- where His words are in red letters).

That's not a short cut.

It's a necessary tool for me to know which words are the Lord's, as I was but a baby Christian.

Then, I started researching online, as the internet has many apps if you want the Bible downloaded.

This is the version the HOLY SPIRIT led me to, taking it a chapter at a time.

Don't be overwhelmed.

The important thing is your desire to know everything about Jesus, and how to live right.

But you may also want an audio Bible, so here's the link.

This 21st blog is merely proof of how rich the Bible is!

Of how magnificent the Lord is!

Of how little I knew.

But nothing to be sad about.

The important thing is we set our hearts right with the Lord, for we are all on the path to righteousness.

The Lord gave us the Bible for instruction.

We must give the Word of God -- JESUS -- our undivided attention, for He already gave up His life for us.

But how did I get to finally start reading the Bible?

I was a writer, and researcher, hungry for GOD's truth.

After having read thousands of books, I finally gave up.

I had been looking for ULTIMATE truth.

Some books led you this way, and that.

But there was always a missing piece

Something was elusive.

Things weren't adding up.

Turned out, it was the Bible all along.

It carried ALL the pieces.

It was the WHOLE truth!

The Bible waited patiently for me.

Now, it is my ONLY source for the WORD of GOD.

But why didn't I approach it first, and saved myself the trouble of reading all those books?

Only by being born again, could I have been gifted with SPIRIT.

Only the SPIRIT of GOD could teach us to understand Scripture.

Well, God knew I'm an independent researcher.

I like to do my own thinking.

GOD allowed me to read all other books, as He knew I was wary of reading the wrong Bible.


There's a wrong Bible?

Well, in my books (har har), I wanted to make sure the Bible being put out (for there are many versions) contained ALL of God's words (just as He said it), with ALL of God's teachings (just as He taught it), and that it was not colored by man's ego for self-aggrandizement (which I had no use for).

I wanted God's WORD as is.

For I know myself, I delve deeply into things.

It was always all, or nothing, for me.

What more this search for God's truth?

Long story short (for it took me many decades to come around), GOD made me born again.

And that started the whole story of reading God's story.

He provided the "missing" piece, when I finally surrendered to Him, exhausting all research.

Now, I am being instructed, night and day, by the Holy Spirit of God, as He teaches me everything about Jesus.

I have greatly changed from those months of studying the Bible.

Are you eager to know more about the Bible, too?

I suggest you approach it from a child's point of view.

Know nothing; 

desire to know everything.

And watch what happens!

The Lord will delight in your excited child's heart.

For we become teachable.

If you want to find the truth of the world, yourself, others, and most of all -- GOD -- the Bible is the only truthful source.

Now that you know the source, you will want to ask questions.

Click this link to know what it takes, for God to answer you.

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GOD's GLORY blogs

Updated 27 September 2023


 2 Kings 2:19-21 King James Version 19 And the men of the city said unto Elisha,  Behold, I pray thee,  the situation of this city is pleasa...